Meaning of Responsibility
By Bob Stewart
The meaning of responsibility
"If you accept responsibility for something that has happened, you agree that you caused it, or were to blame." Collins
School Dictionary
If a 16-year-old girl asks her 19-year-old boyfriend Charley to kill her
family, then who is responsible for Charley's actions? Was it Charley or his
16-year-old girlfriend?
Honestly, I believe that Erin took a greater percentage of the blame for
her family tragedy than szhe should have. It is fair enough for Erin to take
responsibility for her part which has done but not take the entire blame.
When Erin's co-accused were being questioned they all pointed the finger at
Erin and told the investigating officer that it wa her idea but did the
investigating officer not think to ask them whether they thought this was all a
bad idea.
Getting back to responsibility. If someone in an online troll tells someone
to kill themselves and they do just that then wouldn't the troller be guilty of
murder if the same kind of reasoning that found Erin guilty was applied.
Here is what I believe.
I believe that Erin has taken more responsibility for this tragedy than she
should have. She is certainly not responsible for the part that her
co-accuser's played in her family tragedy.
One just wonders how Erin's co-accused think about all this now that they
have had ten years to reflect on what they have done? It is a pity we have not
heard their side of the story.
What do other people think about this? I would be interested to hear about
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