DR Phil's Interview With Erin

The Meaning of Empathy

Erin Caffey appeared on the Dr Phil McGraw show when she was 21. She had been in prison since 2007 when she was 16.  He asked her some questions. One was "Were you Scared or Glad that your Dad had survived the attack"? Erin was very emotional when DR Phil interviewed her. I don't think she was in a state to answer his questions with any clarity but Erin responded, "Scared."

Dr Phil then responded "Your Dad can now identify those responsible, right."?

At the studio, Dr Phil was talking to Erin's Dad and told him that Erin's answer shows that she lacks empathy.

It sounded as though Dr Phil had never met anyone who lacked empathy with their fellow human beings. Where has he been living all these years? Under a rock!

I have met heaps of people who lack empathy and I don't get out that often. As for Erin's response to Dr Phils questioning. I don't believe that she was in any state to answer his questions.  I suspect that deep down she was glad that her Dad had survived the attack but Erin was in such an emotional state of mind that she could not really have been expected to think straight.

I don't know what other viewers may think but Erin's answers would have be different now that she has had time to reflect on what has happened.

What do other people think? I am interested in hearing your views on this. For those who do not know about the Erin Caffey case, I suggest you read my other posts on this blog.


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