American Justice
American Justice-What can be improved
By Bob Stewart
America does have some wonderful programmes which can turn lives around.
Those whose lives had gone off the rails at some point have re entered society
and society is all the better for it but there is still room for improvement.
Here are some suggestions:
1-Just locking up teenagers for virtually their whole life is a real cop
out. They may have done wrong but the object has to be to reintegrate them into
the community at some point and give them the opportunity to build a life for
themselves on the outside.
2-A good idea would be to allow some of them to go on weekend leaves say
one year from their release date to gradually get a feel of life on the
As for responsibility for various crimes:
3-Whoever owns/in possession of a fire arm should be the person responsible
for any outcomes which occur if someone is shot
4-Adults who supply drugs to minors should be made responsible for any
crimes committed by the minor while on drugs.
Case review
5-There really should be an organisation whose responsibility is to review
cases where there are mitigating circumstances because in the heat of the
moment, a number of sentences are passed when everyone is emotional and not
thinking rationally.
As for some of the school shootings in the US, has not anyone though about
getting to the bottom of it and try to find the common denomonator in all of
these shootings. It is obvious that some of these shooting are revenge
shootings. Is it not time to teach kids how to deal with issues instead of
taking it out on others? Issues such as school and cyber bullying are so common
that the problem of school shootings is not going to go away anytime soon but
is likely to get worse with the increasing inciodence of cyber bullying.
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