Lessons must be learned from Caffey tragedy

One Australian pastor once said "There are three ways of learning, the easy way where you learn from other people's mistakes, the hard way where you learn from your own mistakes or the tragic way where you never learn from your own mistakes."

There are so many tragedies involving guns in America that most of them are a carbon copy of previous tragedies involving guns or a variation of them. It leads me to ask the question, "Do Americans or rather those in a position to make the necessary change ever learn?"

You can understand why people are getting frustrated with all of this lack of action. I just wonder how US politicians would feel if it was one of their kids who were gunned down in the class room.

Now on to Erin Caffey which this article is all about. I believer there needs to be a change in how minors are dealt with. Erin was 16 at the time of the offending but she was led astray by her then boyfriend who was 19. I believe that the older ones should have taken the majority of the responsibility for what happened.

Certainly, Erin should not have been made responsible for what the two lads did.

Then there is the question of gun responsibility. I believe that the person in possession of the firearm should be responsible for consequences arising for its use.

To lodge most of the blame for the tragedy on Erin for this tragedy would be similar to blaming the passengers for an automobile accident where a drunk driver kills someone.

I also believe that just locking people up for the rest of their life is a complete cop out. It would be better to give those who offend as minors the opportunity to reform and become members of society again.

What do others think about this? Email me and let me know what you think. Read my thoughts about this tragedy on a blog I have set up on www.erincaffey.blogspot.com

I want to finish with this thought, "If you change nothing, nothing changes."


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