Erin Caffey a Shooting Scapegoat
Erin Caffey Shooting Scapegoat
Whenever a drunk driver gets behind the wheel of an auto mobile and later
kills someone, who is responsible for the deaths? The driver or its passengers?
Should the passengers be charged as a party to this crime?
I believe that as far as the law is concerned, the driver is solely
responsible for any traffic laws which are broken and this is applicable in all
countries around the world unless I am mistaken.
In 2007, 16-year-old Erin Caffey's then 19-year-old boyfriend and an
associate entered the home of Erin's parents and killed Erin's mother and two
younger sibling brothers. Erin's Dad survived the attack. Erin and a friend
stayed in a waiting car while their boyfriends carried out the attack.
It was later revealed that it was all Erin's idea.
That may be so but.....
Isn't someone in possession of a firearm solely responsible for its use and
if someone who is a minor causes death or serious injury from a firearm then
the gun owner must be held responsible
unless of course the firearm was stolen.
Erin Caffey and her associate Bobbi Johnson have taken more of their fair
share of blame for this barbaric crime. Erin and Bobbi like back seat
passengers have been made the scapegoat for the actions of their then
This crime took place in Alba, Texas in 2007. All four young people
convicted of this crime are held at various units at Gatesville prison. Erin is
now 26. I have tried to contact her and her Dad Terry but have received no
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