
Showing posts from December, 2020


  America has the highest number of juveniles in prison or those inside who were sentenced as juveniles and face life behind bars. Is this morally right? I don't think so. The saddest part is there has been little will from successive governments to change this. I have put forth my thoughts on the subject and am interested in feedback from American readers. Should juveniles be sentenced to life? Written by R.A. Stewart America as I understand it is the only country in the world that sentences juveniles; that is those under the age of eighteen to life imprisonment without parole. This was challenged in court about ten years ago with the Supreme court stating it is unconstitutional to sentence minors to life without the possibility of parole.  Teenagers are basically the same worldwide. They have the same kind of social, physical, and emotional issues to deal with, but their environment can make or break them. It is this environment which can be the determining factor in where t...