The case of the "Hiccup Girl" sentenced to life. written by Bob Stewart Jennifer Mee gained fame as a teenager as the girl with incurable hiccups; she appeared on National TV, but that all is in the past as her life turned to custard from an act of foolishness. In 2010, Jennifer Mee arranged to meet a young man named Shannon Griffin whom she contacted through social media; He agreed to meet her and the 22-year-old was under the impression that he was going on a date with Jennifer and to purchase marijuana but her motive was robbery and Jennifer used her two male friends to help her but in the process of being robbed, Shannon was shot four times. Under Florida law, all those who participate in a robbery where someone dies is equally guilty of murder as the person who actually did the killing. Jennifer from all accounts was not even present at the scene or ever planned to kill him. It later came out in court that in communication with her mum, Jennifer said, "I di...